Please Believe Us: Picky Eating is Not Your Fault

Please Believe Us: Picky Eating is Not Your Fault

We decided to write this article for you because it makes us really sad – and angry – to hear this tired old judgemental perspective being bandied about.  “Well, if you did what I do and just not take any cr*p from them, they wouldn’t be picky” “You...
Does your picky eater need professional help?

Does your picky eater need professional help?

If your child has tooth ache, you take them to the dentist. If they are feeling ill, you go along to the doctor. But where do you go if you are worried about picky eating? And how do you even know whether you need professional help? The answer to this is complicated...
Our 9 Top Tips for Parenting Picky Eaters

Our 9 Top Tips for Parenting Picky Eaters

As feeding professionals, we are often asked to share our number one tip for parents of picky eaters. And it’s not an easy question! Partly because there is just so much you can do to help your child build their eating confidence, so choosing just one thing is a big...
The Best Way To Feed Children

The Best Way To Feed Children

We’re going to go out on a limb here, and say that there is a ‘best’ way to approach feeding kids. In fact, our passion for teaching parents and professionals about this is what gets us out of bed each day. The philosophy we share is called ‘Responsive Feeding’. It is...
The Most Difficult Foods for Picky Eaters

The Most Difficult Foods for Picky Eaters

To help you think about which foods may be extra tricky for your child (and why), we’re going to start by looking at easy foods. Take crackers. Do you know many kids who don’t eat at least one brand of plain cracker? Probably not. Each cracker in the pack is...

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